The future of snowboarding & Freeskiing
Executive Board
The USASA Executive Board is a dedicated team of 13 individuals focused on the organization's success. They work together to support USASA’s mission, vision, strategic direction, business plan and budget with the Executive Director reporting directly to the board.
Shaping the Future
USASA board members bring expertise in finance, philanthropy, the outdoor industry, business, and winter sports event management, all crucial to USASA’s growth. We’re proud to have this engaged group guiding the next generation of snowboarders and freeskiers. Board positions are staggered, with new positions voted on annually during our fall meeting. Contact Kim Raymer kim[at] for more information.
USASA Executive Board
President Kim Raymer kim[at]
Vice President Simon Haskell shaskell[at]
Vice President Jill Morelli jmorelli[at]
Treasurer Dan Dibeler ddibeler[at]
Secretary Scott Sawyer scott.sawyer[at]
Series Director Representative Jody Proudfit jproudfit[at]
Snowboard Coaches Representative Alex Deibold adeibold[at]
Freeski Coaches Representative Liam Downey ldowney[at]
Para Athlete Representative Frank Cabrera fcabrera[at]
Freeski Athlete Representative Christopher Stumbles
Snowboard Athlete Representative Jaxson Moon jmoon[at]
Freeski Athlete Rep / Nonvoting Aiden Herguth aherguth[at]
Snowboard Athlete Rep / Nonvoting Jordan Smith jsmith[at]